Monday 28 February 2011

Hard Time

Sorry If I can post only once a day, you know we're doing best to finish these projects that's I have no time in surfing and blogging but don't when this problem finish it would be a nice day to me... hehehe... Just keep in touch always.. :D I'll post the day 2 of our project making...

Trip to make Windmill and Amplifier Modification (Day 1)

What a tiring night... It seems that everyone here is cooperating to make those things... And you know, our projects must be pass on March 4, 2011 that's why we're doing our best to finish these projects. Here's a pic :D


Cleaning of Magnets.. Too much Rust.. >.<

 Cooperation!!! xD

 Magnets for the Windmill

 The making of the Windmill

 Amplifier Again...

 What the!? something's fishy

hahaha!!! sorry if the pictures are not in order... >.< I'm in a hurry... hehehe... thanks for dropping by... I wish that we can finish these projects.

Sunday 27 February 2011

2nd Gensan's Cosplay

January 2, 2011 @ Robinson's Mall of Gensan

A day to remember. It was a wonderful Cosplay because so many participants joined the event even though I didn't join the event but it makes me feel that I'm one of them.

One of my Favorite(Zabusa Vs Me)

Sasuke and Me Synchronized Hand Seal
 Laughing Trip w/ Inuyasha

(Ouch! It hurts really) Pawned!!!

Not there Please... :(

Familiar? ^^

 What the!? Sakura wants to put me in her card

 Hey! Weapons are not allowed in the Mall

hahaha!!! don't worry soon... I'll join them... And I'll do my best to be the best Cosplayer. :) thanks hope you enjoy reading this..

All for One and One for All

Aha! so you're reading this. :) are you wondering that why we have the same pose??? hahaha!!! ok, I'll tell you why, it is because there was a man walking outside of the house but he is not included in the story... hehehe... Ok, here's the real deal... look at the 4th picture, he is the owner of the camera. Everytime we arrived in their house we always borrow his camera and take a picture of ourselves then one of our friends change his Profile Picture just like that... When the owner of the cam found out that all pictures in his camera have the same pose holding a camera while taking a picture in the mirror so we decided to take change our Profile Picture... And also we made a post that all of our close friends will change their Profile Picture just like ours... :) That's all I guess... This is my 1st time making a blog of my own...  Thanks and God bless...